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Step by Step Example

To use as an example, I picked the Alleluia from the Reisenkodex. (The shortest song that I could find.)

Here's what it looks like in the manuscript:

And here's what alleluia.hld ends up looking like:

C:Hildegard von Bingen
A-  .=E WP=EGF
le- n=ED
lu- .=G w=Gb l=c .=b .=a .=G l=a .=G .=F .=E .=D d=DE
ia  l=E .=b w=bd l=d .=c .=b l=c .=b .=a .=G .=a w=ab l=c 
    .=b .=a .=G l=a .=G .=F .=E .=D .=F Wu=GaGa .=G .=F .=E
That is used to create alleluia.tex, which is in turn used to make alleluia.dvi, which is used to print this:

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