To simplify the inputting of instrumental music, a pre-processor PMX by Don Simons can be used. Inputs to PMX are considerably simpler than those for MusiXTeX itself because PMX makes many typesetting decisions itself, and then produces a file suitable for processing by MusiXTeX. An auxiliary program scor2prt in the PMX package makes parts from a multi-part score. PMX can make a MIDI file of your score. For vocal music, a pre-preprocessor called M-Tx by Dirk Laurie is available; its output is suitable for pre-processing by PMX.
The autosp pre-processor by Bob Tennent simplifies input of music for MusiXTeX without requiring the user to learn a completely different input language. MusiXTeX itself requires a user to specify horizontal-spacing commands, which can be rather complicated, especially for multi-instrument scores. The autosp pre-processor automates the generation of horizontal-spacing commands for MusiXTeX, allowing a user to input notes for a part without concern for note-spacing changes within the part or spacing requirements of other parts; compare quod.tex and quod2.aspc.
Finally there is a program xml2pmx that translates MusicXML, a standard exchange format, to PMX. Most music notation-editing systems such as Finale, Sibelius, musescore and lilypond will allow you to export a score in MusicXML format.
A script that automates use of these pre-processors and the multiple passes is available; for example, the single command
musixtex mymusic |
It is possible to create inputs for MusiXTeX, PMX, M-Tx or autosp using any text editor, such as notepad or vi or emacs. Currently there is no graphical user interface for generating input files, other than TeX-oriented integrated graphical development environments such as TeXWorks.
Bob Tennent