*** PMX - 2.3.31 (Unix/C version) *** This is the Unix/C version of PMX-2.3.31. It was generated from the fortran source code with Netlib's F2C. This package includes the special library routines required to compile the resulting C source. (please read the file "permission" in the present directory, which lists conditions for the use of Netlib's library code) It is probably useful to print the quick reference card (doc/ref230.ps). System Requirements =================== * any current mainstream Unix flavour * standard C compiler (as always, GCC is the safest bet) * TeX/LaTeX (a recent version, as required by musixtex) * MusiXTeX T.102 (checked with this version) Installation ============ First, edit the Makefile to adjust it to your platform. The Makefile contained in this package should work on most modern Unix platforms. If you do not have an up-to-date version of GCC (or one that is too new -- gcc 2.8.x seems to have trouble with the system libaries on some Unix platforms), change the first line of the Makefile to "CC = cc", which will use your computer's native C compiler. I recommend changing the second line to "CFLAGS = " in this case, thus turning off optimisation. If you want to automatically install the executables you must also set BINDIR to a directory which is in your search path and where you have write permission. The preset directory /usr/local/bin should be OK on most single user machines (you'll have to log in as root, of course). Now, type make This will compile the programs "pmxab" and "scor2prt". You may type make install now to install the PMX binaries and the shell-script "pmx", which automatically runs pmxab and both passes of musixtex for you. As a last step you have to install "pmx.tex" into a suitable directory within your TeX directory tree. If you're not familiar with TeX, follow the step-by-step guide below. 1) Find the TeX directory tree. It should contain a texmf/ subdirectory. "cd" to the tree's root. 2) If possible, do cd texmf/tex If you get an error message, just stay in the tree's root dir. 3a) Check if there's already an old version of "pmx.tex" installed: find . -follow -name pmx.tex This shouldn't find more than one instance of "pmx.tex". If there is a match, overwrite that file with the new version of "pmx.tex". Be sure to use GNU "find". Some Unix systems may ship with other versions of find that have a different input syntax. Be sure to check "find --version". 3b) If 3a) didn't find "pmx.tex", look for the musixtex files: find . -follow -name musixtex.tex If this fails, you're either in the wrong directory, or you need to install musixtex first. Now copy "pmx.tex" to the directory containing "musixtex.tex". 4) Finally, you'll probably have to update the file hashing database. You may try to "cd" back to the TeX tree root directory and type texhash If this doesn't work, please refer to the documentation supplied with your LaTeX distribution. If you do not have root authority, copy "pmx.tex" to a directory of your choice. You will then have to set the TeX input path in your PMX source files accordingly. The Unix default (as used in the example files) is to set the input path to "./" and copy "pmx.tex" to the directory you're working in. However, you'll always have to remember to copy the most recent version of "pmx.tex" to your PMX working directory, or you'll run into trouble. Using PMX ========= First of all, you need to read the PMX manual (doc/pmx230.ps). You must have a current version of MusiXTeX installed to use PMX. In addition to the "pmxab" binary, this Unix/C distribution contains a script named "pmx" which does automatically run PMX and all passes of MusiXTeX for you. Say, you've got PMX source file named "foo.pmx" which you want to turn into a DVI file. The command pmx foo or pmx foo.pmx will automatically create "foo.dvi". This package also contains some examples you might try to process (most.pmx, dyntest.pmx, mwalmnd.pmx and barsant.pmx). These files will give you a first impression of what is possible with pmx. Contact ======= This port was made by Bernhard Lang, based on some older ports of Andreas Kurth and Stefan Evert. If you can't compile PMX, or if you discover a bug in any of the programs, feel free to send e-mail to b.lang@gmx.net Comments, suggestions, and any other remarks are also welcome.