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Changes from PMX 2.4 to PMX 2.5
- Suboption for Type K postscript ties, activated by Apl, to (a) change
first part of a linebreak ties to have same shape as normal ties, and
(b) move start of second part of linebreak ties a little to the left.
- Bugfix: Enable arpeggios on chords in xtuplets.
- Automatic forced beam patterns. If the option ":" (colon) is included in
the starting symbol "[" for a forced beam, then henceforth beams of the same
length will be forced in that line of music, until stopped.
Stop them by either (a) inserting
a regular forced beam, or (b) coming to the end of the input block.
- The number of forced beams allowed is increased from 20 to 40 per line of
per input block. This includes both regular and the new automatic ones.
- Bugfix: Automatic termination of auto forced beam patterns at end of input
- Allow slur or tie to end on rest, but not start on a rest. Default height
of ending is default height of start (before any automatic or user-
defined djustments). User may adjust height as normal from default.
2.406 (Note: new pmx.tex)
- Allow explicit double sharps and flats in chords.
- New option Aph to write \special{} top of each page, so
dviselec will work OK.
- Bugfix in pmx.tex for system spacing equalization by Ae, to correct
behavior when top staff is smaller than others (was giving smaller space
after first system than others).
- Bugfix in line-break tie option Apl, to correct behavior when there
is more than one staff in an instrument.
- Internal change in storage, transparent to user: Use only first 4 bits
of mult for multiplicity+8, so rest can be used for other stuff.
- Bugfix: Move stemlength stuff in nacc(27-30) to mult(27-30) to remove
storage conflict with dot movement stuff.
2.407 (10/20/02) (Note: new scor2prt.for, .exe)
- Allow AN[n]"[user-defined-part-file-name]", where n is instrument
number and quotes are rquired around file name. Place before first bar in
pmx file for score, Syntax-checked but not used in PMX.
Interpreted by scor2prt and allows you to name the part files as
you please.
2.408 (2/8/03) (Note: new pmx.tex)
- Bugfix: admit pnotes{x} when x>9.995. This is only needed for notes groups
longer than a breve (double whole note).
- Bugfixes in \liftPAuse and \liftPAusep.
- With postscript slurs, for up-stem single graces slurred to down-stem
main note, shift slur start left by 0.8 so slur doesn't get too short.
2.409 (6/8/03)
- Bugfix: In docrd for MIDI, use original pitch in case main/chord were
switched due to 2nds.
- New syntax: Use ":" (colon) before 2-digit instrument numbers in movement
break command.
- Bugfix: Adjust output formats for \setname at movement break to allow
instrument numbers >9.
- Bugfix in coding to raise barno due to slur over line break (pmxb)
2.410 (6/28/03)
- For non-beamed xtuplets, you can activate Col. S.'s brackets (with the number
inline with the bracket) with "AT". You must have tuplet.tex installed in your TeX structure.
You don't need to change anything else in the PMX input.
- To tweak the slope of the bracket for a non-beamed xtuplet, use "s(+|-)(integer)"
as a sub-option to "n" in the first note of the xtuplet, e.g., "c04x3ns+2 d e".
2.411 (8/9/03)
- "Apl" in the preamble now activates special treatment of line-break slurs
and ties (before, "Apl" only affected ties.). Specifically, it enables
tweaking the ending position of the first segment (seg 1), the starting
position of the second (seg 2), and the curvature of either or both.
You must have musixps.tex
available to TeX. With "Apl" every slur/tie at a line break is
automagically broken into
two separate ones (no additional PMX slur start or ending commands are
required). Vert/horiz tweaks to the start of the seg 1 and
the end of seg 2 are handled as before. Vert/horiz tweaks for the end
of the seg 1 and start of seg 2 are entered as options in the
otherwise normal command that starts the
slur/tie. The option for the end of seg 1 starts with "s" (for sever
or split), then the
usual one or two signed numbers, then a second "s" and one or two more
signed numbers
for the start of seg 2. The usual curvature options "h","H","HH","f", if
included in the starting command for a linebreak slur, will apply to seg 1,
and if in the closing command, to seg 2. Of course, if the slur/tie does
not come at a linebreak, the special position tweaks (those after the "s"
will all be ignored, and the curvature tweaks on the closing note take
precedence (as before).
2.412 (8/16/03)
- Minor changes in defaults for linebreak slurs and ties introduced
in 2.411. Horizontal positions of start of seg 2 have been moved a
bit to the right and made the same for slurs and ties. Vertical
positions of end of seg 1 and start of seg 2 are now the actual
height of start of seg 1, including any tweaks that were applied to
start of seg 1.
2.413 (8/25/03)
- Several bug fixes in placement of accidentals in chords.
2.414 (8/30/03)
- Bug fix in placement of accidentals in chords.
- Change in default accidental placement for chords with exactly three
accidentals and no 2nds between accidentals: they are placed in the
order top, bottom, middle.
2.415 (10/18/03)
- Fix operation of "AT" option so normal xtup numbers are OK: use \xnumt
instead of redefining \xnum.
2.416 (1/17/04)
- Include files have been enabled. Include files are separate text files
containing arbitrary (but contextually appropriate) sequences of
valid PMX commands. The commands will be inserted at a particular
place in the virtual PMX file that the code processes.
They will always be syntax-checked. There are two types, "global" and
"normal". There can only be one global include file and it must be named
pmx.mod. If activated, its contents will always be inserted right after
the setup data.
To activate it, two conditions must be met: (1) an environment variable
PMXMIDDIR must be defined to contain a valid path, ending with "/" or
"\"; (2) a file named pmx.mod must be present in the directory so defined.
If PMXMODDIR is not set, or if it is defined but there is no file
pmx.mod, then processing will proceed as usual. Normal include files
can have any name and do not require any environment variable to be set.
They are activated by the PMX command AR[filename] , placed in the .pmx file
at the location where the included lines are to go. PMX will first check
for the file as pointed to by [filename], which may contain a complete
or partial pathname preceding the actual file name. If [filename] is not
found, then PMX will look for %PMXMODDIR[filename], i.e., it will check
the directory defined by PMXMODDIR if PMXMODDIR has been set. However,
it is not necessary to define PMXMODDIR to use a
normal include file. There may be any number of normal include files. The same
file may be used multiple times. Include files cannot contain references to
other include files via the "AR" command; if you do that your computer will
explode. The following information regarding all activated include
files will be printed both to the screen and to the .pml file: notice of
opening or closing, echo of the contents, error messages pertaining to syntax
errors in the included PMX commands, and an error message if PMX cannot find
a referenced normal include file. In the latter two cases PMX will stop.
2.417 (1/26/04)
- Increase maximum number of text dynamics per input block from 12 to 41.
- Increase maximum length of a text dynamic from 24 to 128 characters.
- "Ap+c", "Ap-c" will increase or decrease the default curvature of Type-K
postscript slurs. Such commands can be used at the start of any input block and
the result is cumulative. More than one suboption "+c" or "-c" may be used in a single
command. If the cumulative change goes above "HH" or below "f" a warning will
be issued, the default will be set to "HH" or "f", and processing will continue.
Local curvature options in individual slur commands will take precedence over
the global default but will not change the default. The local option "n" in a slur
command will cause the slur to have the normal curvature (between "f" and "h").
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Revised 15 February 2004