TTRM, VERSION 1 (November 2001) INTRODUCTION ------------ TTRM is a program written by Alexandros Droseltis that generates a twelve-tone row matrix from a single given row. This is a table with the 48 forms of a series: 12 transpositions of the prime form, 12 of the retrograde form, 12 of the inverted form and 12 of the retrograde form of the inverted form. The output of the program is a TeX file (.tex). In order to view the matrix with the normal music notation, you must have TeX and MusiXTeX installed on your disc. CONTENTS -------- The contents of the TTRM 1.3 package are the following: -ttrm1_3.c | -transposer.h | -translators.h |=> source files -filters.h | -printers.h | -ttrm.exe (executable file for Windows) -ttrm (executable file for Linux) -test.ttrm -test.pdf -ttrm.readme -examples/ COMPILATION ----------- To compile the program, place all these 5 files in a directory and type in a shell: # gcc -o ttrm ttrm1.c INPUT NOTATION -------------- The input row must be at the top of a text file (e.g. test.ttrm). The notation is the one used by the program MusiXTeX, i.e.: accidentals ^ _.......flat =.......natural notes a.......a b.......b c.......c1 d.......d1 e.......e1 f.......f1 g.......g1 h.......a1 i.......b1 j.......c2 k.......d2 l.......e2 m.......f2 n.......g2 o.......a2 p.......b2 The names of the notes must be seperated with "space". Under the row you must also enter a title for this row. Examples can be found in the directory "examples" of the package. USE --- To run the program, type; # ttrm test.ttrm This will generate the file test.tex Then, you must use TeX with MusiXTeX in order to compile the file inputfile.tex. Type: # tex inputfile.tex The file test.dvi is produced. In order to view it correctly, let a .ps (postscript) file generated from the .dvi, and use an option for A4 page format. OUTPUT NOTATION -------------- On the generated table there are the title of the row and the 48 forms of it. The letter "P" indicates the prime forms, the letter "R" indicates the retrograde forms, the letter "I" indicates the inverted forms and the letters "RI" indicate the retrograde forms of the inverted forms. The numbers at the left of the matrix indicate the first note of the P- and I-transpositions. 0 means C, 1 means C sharp (or D flat), 2 means D etc. For example, P7 is the prime form that starts from G, I8 is the inverted form that starts from G sharp or A flat. Rx or RIx (0<=x<=11) are the retrograte forms of the respective Px or Ix. e.g. R9 is the retrograde form of P9, RI2 is the retrograde form of I2. This notation is widely used for the twelve-tone analysis. OPTIONS ------- The following flags can be used: -e The command \end will not be printed at the end of the .tex file. This is useful, when many .tex files should be included in an other file. -n The numbers 1-12 will not be printed under the notes. -f1 The notes e sharp, f flat, b sharp and c flat will be printed, and not their enharmonic notes. -f2 The use of double accidentals is enabled. HISTORY ------- I started writing this this program in June 2001 during the editing of my thesis on the twelve-tone works of Igor Stravinsky. It helped me very much generating the twelve-tone matrices. I hope it will be useful to other people too, for analytical as well as compositional purposes. COPYRIGHT --------- TTRM is the name for the whole package, i.e. the files that are mentioned above, and the file ttrm.readme. The authorship (copyright) is held by A.Droseltis. You are free to copy it but you are not allowed to sell it. You may take it or parts of it to include in other packages only if these packages are freeware (i.e. distributed at no cost). CONTACT ------- Please send comments, requests, bugs, suggestions and modifications to ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ---------------- I would like to thank Ole Streicher for helping me with useful instructions on programming. NOTES ----- At the examples, the rows at which no composer is mentioned at the titles, have been used by Igor Stravinsky. November 29th 2001, Berlin Alexandros Droseltis