ttrm - A MusiXTeX preprocessor for generating row matrices and stravinskian vertical-arrays


ttrm [OPTION] ... FILE


ttrm generates a row matrix from a single given row. This is a table with the 48 forms of a series: 12 transpositions of the prime form, 12 of the retrograde form, 12 of the inverted form and 12 of the retrograde form of the inverted form. The output of the program is TeX file (.tex). In order to view the matrix with the normal music notation, you must have TeX and MusiXTeX installed on your disc.
The program can also generate the stravinskian vertical-arrays with the option --verticals (see below).
The first step using the program, is to type a row in a file, e.g.:
c1 e1 f1 d1 g1 a1 fis1 gis1 h1 ais1 dis1 cis1
Under it you may type a title for it, e.g.
Berg Alban, Lulu
The first line is the row (german notation). The non-numerical part of the notes indicates the pitch class, and the numerical the octave (a1=440Hz). Mind that "h" is the german name for "b" and that the german "b" means "b flat"!
N.B.: ttrm does not support double accidentals as input.
After you have input the row and the title for it, save the file as (e.g. myfile.ttrm) and type in a shell:
ttrm myfile.ttrm
The file myfile_rows.tex will be created; you can proceed with
tex myfile_rows.tex
which will generate the file myfile_rows.dvi. You can view it with
xdvi myfile_rows.dvi
On the generated table the title of the row can be seen, and the four forms of the row in their twelve transpositions. The letter "P" indicates the prime forms, the letter "R" indicates the retrograde forms, the letter "I" indicates the inverted forms and the letters "RI" indicate the retrograde forms of the inverted forms.
The numbers at the left of the matrix indicate the first note of the P- and I-transpositions. 0 means C, 1 means C sharp (or D flat), 2 means D etc. For example, P7 is the prime form that starts from G, I8 is the inverted form that starts from G sharp or A flat. Rx or RIx (0<=x<=11) are the retrograte forms of the respective Px or Ix. e.g. R9 is the retrograde form of P9, RI2 is the retrograde form of I2. This notation is widely used for the twelve-tone analysis.
The program can also understand the MusiXTeX notation for the notes in the .ttrm file. e.g. c d _e ^f g _h _i ^j (read the MusiXTeX manual for more details). In case that the kind of notation is not clear, as in c d e f g a h, it will read it as if the german notation would have been ment. If the MusiXTeX notation is wanted, use at least one sign that indicates it (e.g. c =d e f g a h).


The command end will not be printed at the end of the .tex file. This is useful, when many .tex files should be included in an other file.
The numbers 1-12 will not be printed under the notes.
The notes e sharp, f flat, b sharp and c flat will be printed, and not their enharmonic notes. By default the programm will not print the notes "e & b sharp" and "f & c flat". Instead of this, their enharmonic notes will be printed. In order to force the printing of the notes mentioned above, use this option.
The use of double accidentals is enabled. By default the programm will not print double accidentals. Instead of this, their enharmonic notes will be printed. In order to force the printing of the notes mentioned above, use this option.
Only the P transpositions are printed.
Only the R transpositions are printed.
Only the I transpositions are printed.
Only the RI transpositions are printed. (The four above options can be combined, e.g. -P -I, or -P -I -RI.)
The square matrix is also printed on the screen (names of the notes). This is used too at the twelve-tone analysis. It is in text mode. It consists horizontally of the twelve transpositions of the prime form of the row and vertically of the twelve transpositions of the inverted form of it. The opposite directions build the retrograde and retrograde-inversion respectively. The advantage of this matrix is that the whole network can be seen with one glance.
The square matrix has sense only if the row is a twelve-tone one (without repetitions); otherwise not all of the forms will be printed (if the row has repetitions, some of the forms will be printed at least twice).
Only the square matrix is printed on the screen (names of the notes).
The square matrix is also printed on the screen (arithmetical). Instead of the names of the notes (see option -s), their pitch classes are printed (0 for C, 1 for C sharp etc.)
Only the square matrix is printed on the screen (arithmetical).
The combination "-aa -s" is the same with "-a -ss" and will print only the matrix with the names of the notes and the arithmetical one.
Print the tables with the Stravinkian Verticals. Insert a space between the form and the transposition number, e.g.: I 9
Print this information and exit.
Print the number of the program's version.


The location of the following files can differ depending on your installation of TeX.
This file has the basic tex-commands for a music score.
This file contains the TeX macros that build 12 systems that are needed for a row matrix.
It contains the TeX macros that manipulate the barlines, needed for the vertical arrays (option --verticals).
These three files are there if you have installed the Macro-Package MusixTeX. ttrm doesn't need them, but if you want to generate the TeX scores, you must have them installed.


The following diagnostic may appear:
This is not a twelve-tone row. This can happen only with the option --verticals. This option requires that the row is a twelve-tone one.


The program can generate rows that have maximum 12 tones.


Alexandros Droseltis <Rakewell@Udk-Berlin.De>
Please send me any comments, requests, bugs, suggestions or modifications.


The authorship (Copyright) of the ttrm package is held by Alexandros Droseltis. You are free to copy it but you are not allowed to sell it. You may take it or parts of it to include in other packages only if these packages are freeware (i.e. distributed at no cost). ttrm is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.


I started writing this program in June 2001 during the editing of my thesis on the twelve--tone works of Igor Stravinsky. It helped me very much generating the twelve--tone matrices. I hope it will be useful to other people too, for analytical as well as compositional purposes.


tex(1), musixtex.