- recorder-fingering is a LaTeX package
by Alan Munn that provides support for generating fingering diagrams for baroque fingering recorders.
Standard fingerings are provided for recorders in both C and F, along with methods
to create and display alternate fingerings for trills, etc.
- abc2mtex
is a conversion program for
abc notation which originally focussed on single-line folk music
scores but can be used for multiple staves and should be extendible to many other types of music.
abc2mtex can be used as a preprocessor
for MusiXTeX. Files for version 1.6.1 are also archived here for convenience.
- abcpp is a
versatile preprocessor written by Guido Gonzato. It was originally
designed for another music notation program
but its
macro and conditional output directives may be useful to users of
MusiXTeX, PMX, and M-Tx as described in Christian Mondrup's posting to the MusiXTeX
mailing list.
- Rosegarden is an
integrated MIDI sequencer and musical notation editor. It can import midi files and export in MusicXML format.
- NoteEdit
is a versatile notation editor for Linux by Joerg Anders.
MusiXTeX'ers may be interested in its facilities for importing
MIDI, MIDI keyboard input, and exporting PMX or MusiXTeX.
NoteEdit is still maintained but new projects
Canorus and
NtEd have evolved from it.
- MPP is a preprocessor for MusiXTeX that is no longer supported.
Files are archived here for convenience. Its
developers have moved on to develop Lilypond.
- Tab is a stand-alone, text-file-input program for typesetting
lute tablature, for renaissance and baroque lutes and theorbos, in
French and Italian notation. To learn more, visit the Tab
page on Wayne Cripp's lute web
- PMW (Philip's Music Writer) is a stand-alone C program which
translates a text description directly into Postscript, using a Type 1 font for music glyphs.
- pmx2ly.py is an
a script that converts PMX (and some raw MusiXTeX commands) into Lilypond format. It is based
on an ancient script by Han-Wen Nienhuys, which has been updated and extended by Rutger Hofman.
- leadsheets is a LaTeX package
by Clemens Niederberger that supports
typesetting simple leadsheets of songs, i.e. song lyrics and the corresponding chords. It uses
MusiXTeX music fonts. This package is available in TeXLive and MiKTeX.
- The Gregorio project provides TeX-based
tools for typesetting Gregorian chant.
- The Mup program takes a text file as input and produces very high quality PostScript output for printed music. It can handle both regular notation and tablature notation. It can also produce MIDI output. It comes with a program called Mupmate that provides a menu-driven interface and integrated editor, but it can also be used in command line mode. It has been in use for music publication since 1992, and is used by musicians all over the world, including music departments at Stanford, Johns Hopkins, the University of Virginia, and other major universities.
- The songs package is a software suite that allows a user to create beautiful songbooks using LaTeX. The software can create songbooks with chords over the lyrics, songbooks with just lyrics, and sets of overhead slides for corporate singing. Chords can consist of chord names or guitar tablature diagrams but not full sheet music.
- The musicography package by Andrew Cashner makes available the most commonly used symbols in writing about music for use with LaTeX. It includes accidentals, meters, and notes of different rhythmic values, taken from the MusiXTeX fonts. The package provides a flexible, user-friendly interface written using xparse.
- Michael Eskin has implemented an on-line tool for ABC scores. It supports a wide range of use cases, from interactive (tune play when you click the titles) PDF export to automatic generation of tunebook websites, includes a "Tune Trainer" for practice, and an extensive set of features for editing and manipulating ABC.
Bob Tennent