Christian Mondrup, april 20 2001

Like most other participants in the MusiXTeX community I never met Werner personally. And yet through our email correspondance - sometimes we were in contact almost daily - a close pen friendship gradually evolved. Of course we exchanged lots of thoughts on music technical and aesthetic matters, but inbetween we also discussed other subjects of common interest: politics, history, travels - and jokes.

Therefore the news of his sudden death was not only a shock. It also was painfully clear to me that an important person, a friend, had been teared out of my life.

Werner, whereever you are now - I know you are in our hearts - I am grateful for having known you. Like all human beings you were unique, noone can replace you. But I will honour your memory by taking part as good as I can in the continuation of the music archive you created.

2001-05-09, Christian Mondrup, Werner Icking Music Archive