Bernhard Lang, january 14 2002

This edition is dedicated to the memory of Werner Icking. The MusiXTeX community was shocked by his sudden, unexpected death in February 2001. Although the TeX music typesetting projects and the related archive of sheet music is the outcome of many people's contribution, without Werner it would never have reached what it is now. His friendly and humorous way of suggesting enhancements drew many of us at some point to go further than we initially intended.

His beautiful edition of Bach's sonats for violin solo tells us how he must have loved his instrument. Still at his lifetime, his edition inspired me to the first (unpublished) version of the present edition. I don't know if Werner knew Muffat's sonata. But I'm sure he would have loved it as I do.

2025-02-03, Christian Mondrup, Werner Icking Music Archive